Οκτωβρίου 31, 2006


Το είχα βάλει και στους μεταφραγμένους κάποτε, αλλά σήμερα το θυμήθηκα πάλι και επειδή το θεωρώ κορυφαίο το βάζω κι εδώ:

Let's face it, we all know straights are often uncomfortable with gays/lesbians, bisexuals.So, in a spirit of charity, I decided to compile this list of advice. Any suggestions will be considered for addition to the page.
1. It is rarely considered polite to refer to gay men as 'arse bandits', and lesbians as 'muff-divers', unless an ironic spin is placed upon the phrase.
2. The more sensitive may be annoyed if you constantly keep your arse pressed against the wall. It sends a message to people, and that message is 'Keep away from me faggot!'
3. For straight men: Lesbians are lesbians because they are attracted to FEMALES. Therefore, do NOT try to chat up lesbians.
4. A further note for straight men: The site of your penis will not make a lesbian straight.
5. Do not try to chat up lesbians with the immortal words 'I can do it much better than any woman you know'.EMERGENCY ADDENDUM: Despite what beer adverts say, lesbian couples will NOT invite you to a threesome. Unless they plan to steal your wallet.
6. For straight women: Ditto the advice for straight men, this time about gay men. They will not magically become straight because you flashed them.
7. It is often impolite during a dinner atmosphere to comment that all gays will go to hell. Some people may read unintended negative connotations into the phrase.
8. For nervous straights: Unless you really are good-looking, most gays of your gender will not fancy you.
9. If you think a gay is eyeing you up, it is probably because you spilled something down your shirt.
10. Never call someone a faggot and turn your back on them if they are holding a lit cigarette.
11. For every camp queen, there is also a goth or metal queer. These are not the people to piss off by assuming they are also camp.
12. Regardless to your innermost beliefs, gay people won't laugh for hours if you put on your notorious 'camp gay' voice.
13. It really isn't necessary to wear iron-pants.
14. If a friend confides in you that they are gay, this is probably not a sign that they want you to tell the next 30 people you meet.
15. If you want to make gay people feel comfortable, don't decorate the house pink, and don't force yourself to ask questions about their love life while saying 'isn't that interesting?'.
16. It may be an idea to take down those Nazi and Ku Klux Klan banners before gay friends visit.
17. It won't impress anyone if you display your wondrous ability to dance to the Village People.
18. It still won't impress them half an hour later.
19. An hour later, and they are probably plotting your death.
20. Never ask what 'rimming' and 'felching' are. Gay people will probably be only too happy to inform you of the definition.

Οκτωβρίου 22, 2006

Maaa, Daaa, there's sth I need to tell you *


Τρισχαριτωμένο φιλμάκι της ILGA περί υιοθεσίας, σε περίπτωση που δεν το έχετε ήδη πετύχει κάπου (χρειάζεστε QuickTime) . Προβληματίζομαι ολίγον για το σχόλιο..."σκληροπυρηνικά" σκεπτόμενοι ορισμένοι μάλλον θα το απέρριπταν, καθώς θα μπορούσε να γίνει boomerang, αναλόγως ποιός λήπτης (αν...)εγκέφαλος επεξεργάζεται την πληροφορία (γιατι..."τι κι αν κύριος; πού είναι το κακό δηλαδή;"). Το δέχομαι όμως γιατί απαντάει σε ένα από τα βασικά επιχειρήματα εναντίον της υιοθεσίας από...ακατονόμαστους!

* άσχετο - βλέπει κανείς Little Britain ή στο βρόντο πάνε τα quotes; ;-)

Οκτωβρίου 21, 2006


Αν κάποια στιγμή βρεθείτε στο Bilbao και για κάποιο λόγο φλέγεστε, το παλλικάρι από δω θα έρθει να σας σβήσει...κι όμως είναι αληθινός πυροσβέστης...

...would you please excuse me for a moment Mr Hutton...I am a little bit on fire... καθώς είπε και η Bubbles


Επειδή απόψε η εφηβεία μου ήρθε και με θυμήθηκε (μη χειρότερα), κι επειδή η εμμονή Alison Moyet ξύπνησε πάλι (σ'ευχαριστώ kosmogyrismene μου), θα γράψω τα στιχάκια από το πιο cheesy τραγούδι που άκουσα στα 13 μου και με πήγε μέχρι και τα -άντα, και θα με πηγαίνει, γιατί είναι τόσο "κουσούρικο" και τόσο αγαπημένο πάντα (σόρρυ στην Stockard, η εικόνα είναι δική της αλλά η Alison μου το πήγε λίγο πιο πέρα, στην απενεχοποίησή του σχεδόν):
there are worse things I could do
than go with a boy or two
though the neighbourhood may think
that I'm trashy and no good
I suppose it could be true
but there are worse things I could do...
I could flirt with all the guys
smile at them and bat my eyes
press against them when we dance
make them think they stand a chance
then refuse to see it through
that's a thing I'd never do...
I could stay home everynight
wait around for mister right
take cold showers every day
and throw my life away
on a dream that won't come true...
I could hurt someone like me
out of spite or jealousy
I don't lie and I don't steal
but I can cry and I can feel
a fact I bet you never knew...
but to cry in front of you
that's the worst thing I could do

Οκτωβρίου 11, 2006


Οκτωβρίου 04, 2006

Επεστρεψαν οι Dieux du Stade

όχι άλλο κάρβουνο!
και λίγο οφθαλμόλουτρο για να πάρουμε ανάσα...

Οκτωβρίου 02, 2006

αν έβλεπα έναν υποψήφιο δήμαρχο να βγαίνει σήμερα από το αττικόν...

...θα τον ψήφιζα
για τη συνέχεια, κλικ εδώ